Curiosity Cabinet and Portholes to Portals

Lakewood's Utility Box Wrap Program, which aims to reduce graffiti and beautify public spaces.

My design goal was to highlight the area's unique stories, local ecology and transform the large stainless steel boxes into whimsical art objects.

Using a photorealistic style and many layers of actual photographs, the three-dimensional "cabinets" and "portals" were vinyl-wrapped by Print NW. The Tacoma company did a beautiful job making and applying the colorful, high quality wraps and it was a pleasure working with them.

Jennifer enlivened the pump house by enhancing the surrounding community and trail users’ experience. Her macro photographs of water energize its exterior by featuring five photographic “windows,” making the building appear to be a giant container of water about to overflow. This playfully contextualizes the space and reminds residents about the role of pumphouses as the machines they house quietly go about their business providing water to thousands of citizens.

The project also honors the 1930’s era Works Progress Administration building’s historical significance and original purpose. The blue-hued images connect with the trail’s other art installations to create a harmonious atmosphere.

Taking the design a step further, Jennifer composed the photos during the August 2017 solar eclipse to capture the unique, ethereal light. If you look closely, you can see the crescent shapes of the obscured sun reflected in droplets.

Though the original wooden trough has been replaced by new technology, the pumphouse still operates during periods of high demand. The 6 ½ mile trail beside the pump house connects South Tacoma to downtown and the waterfront, providing a greenway for pedestrians and bicyclists along the reclaimed space.