Art Portfolio

  • Image of vinyl wrapped signal boxes for Portholes to Portals and Cabinet of Curiosity

    Portholes to Portals and Curiosity Cabinet

    Utility box wraps

  • Image of Tacoma Pump House with Flow photography


    Public art installation

  • Photo of Gig Harbor Echology poetry walk install


    Public poetry walk

  • Promo for Iluminate Exhibit

    Illuminate Exhibit

    Curated exhibit featuring collage artist Matthew Baird and mixed media sculptor and poet Tina Lauzon.

  • Photo of plastic green army man in a bottle of pink pills from art installation Let's Pretend This Isn't Happening

    Let's Pretend This Isn't Happening

    Art installation exploring the relationship between prescribed drugs and military suicides.

  • Ad for the art show The Body Beloved. The Body Betrayed.

    The Body Beloved. The Body Betrayed.

    Curated exhibit exploring the mind / body connection.